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Common questions and answers

We get a lot of questions from our customers. Here we have compiled the most common questions with answers. Hopefully the answer to your question is here. Otherwise, you are of course welcome to contact us with your questions or comments.

  1. Passport: A valid passport or identity card is required to verify your identity.

  2. An extract from the charge register from the police (This must be in English and sent to your lawyer in connection with the application for a purchase permit)

  3. Power of attorney to your lawyer (You do this directly with your lawyer in Cyprus or via the Northern Cyprus consulate in your country)

It is strongly recommended to hire a lawyer when buying a property in Northern Cyprus. A lawyer will act as your legal representative and protect your interests throughout the buying process. Here are some reasons why it may be important to have a lawyer in your home purchase:

  1. Legal certainty: A lawyer has expertise in real estate law and can review and verify all necessary documents related to the property you are interested in. They can make sure that everything is in accordance with the law and that there are no hidden problems or legal obstacles.

  2. Contract negotiations: A lawyer can help you negotiate and draw up a purchase agreement that protects your interests. They can ensure that all important details are included in the contract and that no unwanted terms are included.

  3. Ownership confirmation: The lawyer can investigate the ownership of the property and verify that the seller actually has the right to sell it. This is particularly important in Northern Cyprus where there are complex legal issues due to the political situation on the island.

  4. Tax and Fee Management: A lawyer can help you understand and manage any taxes and fees associated with the property purchase, so you don’t run into unexpected costs in the future.

  5. Smooth transfer: Your lawyer can oversee the transfer of ownership and make sure everything happens correctly and smoothly. They can also help with the registration of the property in your name.

Buying a home is a big investment, and having an experienced attorney by your side can give you peace of mind and security throughout the process. It is important to choose a reliable lawyer who specializes in property purchases in Northern Cyprus and has a good knowledge of the local laws and procedures.

According to our estimates, you will need to pay between 1300-1500 GBP for a lawyer to handle your purchase process and applications.

No, you must engage a lawyer registered in Northern Cyprus to handle your transactions and carry out the necessary formalities.

It is not necessary to open a bank account in Northern Cyprus, but it can be useful for transferring money from abroad, arranging payment of various bills etc. Most of the well-known banks in Northern Cyprus offer all the usual banking facilities and have English-speaking staff.

Yes, we encourage everyone who buys a property in North Cyprus to make a will. Till skillnad från Sverige som har en arvlagstiftning saknas sådant på Norra Cypern. Detta innebär att om ägaren avlider och ett testamente saknas ärver staten bostaden. Därför är det viktigt att upprätta ett testamente och tala om vem som ska ärva bostaden. Din advokat kan hjälpa dig med detta. Kostnaden för ett testamente är £200-£300.

According to current legislation (2021), non-TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) citizens have the right to buy up 5 dönüm land (6690 m2) in one name.

According to current legislation (2021), non-TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) citizens have the right to own a property in one name.

Yes, according to current legislation (2021), husband and wife may each buy a home.

Vid köp av en bostad på Norra Cypern och som förstagångsköpare betalar du 8,5% skatt. Inom 21 dagar efter undertecknande av köpekontraktet ska 0,5% av köpeskillingen betalas i form av stämpelskatt. Resterande summa utgörs av 5% moms och 3% lagfartskatt som båda ska betalas efter att ditt köptillstånd har beviljats och lagfarten överförs till ditt namn.

  • Stämpelskatt – 0.5%
  • Moms – 5%
  • Lagfartskatt – 3%

No, when your property is ready, you can take possession of your home and move in.

This depends on the terms of your purchase contract. As a common practice with our partnership lawyers, they always try to negotiate with the seller to insert a clause that allows you to sell the home before you receive ownership.

This depends on whether you are an individual or a professional investor. Every private person has an opportunity to sell their home tax-free the first time. On each subsequent sale, you need to pay 3.5% profit tax, based on the fact that you do not sell more than three homes in the same yearr. If you sell more than three homes in a year, you are considered a professional investor and pay 6.25% profit tax.

There are generally three different types of title deed in Northern Cyprus;

  • Turkish title deed – properties owned by Turkish Cypriots before 1974.
  • Exchange title deed – properties that have been given to Turkish Cypriots in exchange for properties they left behind on the south side after 1974.
  • TMD title deed – properties given by the authorities to Turkish Cypriots after 1974 to encourage return (not sold to foreign nationals).

North Cyprus has an area of 3,355 square kilometers which is about one third of the island of Cyprus. At its widest point it is approximately 104 km from east to west and approximately 52 km from the capital Nicosia (Lefkosa) on its southern border to the main tourist center of Kyrenia (Girne) on the northern coast.

If you want to fly to Northern Cyprus, you can choose to either arrive at Ercan (ECN) airport directly in Northern Cyprus or at Larnaca (LCA) in Southern Cyprus and cross the border on your way to the northern part of the country. Passengers traveling to Ercan (ECN) currently need to travel via Turkey.

TRNC stands for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is the official name for Northern Cyprus. The TRNC was established on 15 November 1983, 9 years after the island was divided in 1974 following conflict between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The creation of the TRNC has given the two communities their own countries and created a peaceful coexistence ever since.

It is possible to ship personal belongings, e.g. car, furniture etc. Keep in mind that cars and some electronic goods will be subject to fairly high customs fees. Shipping companies can give you more information about this. There are several companies that offer shipping services to Northern Cyprus and we can provide their information to you upon request. Shipping costs are usually calculated in cubic meters.

You can bring pets to Northern Cyprus. However, the rules are very strict and must be followed. Kyrenia Animal Rescue (KAR) website can give you more information about this.

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